WE MADE IT!!! Today I am 28 weeks and 3 days pregnant, the same gestational age that I had Logan. This is how I spent this day 4 years ago...
and this is how one scared daddy spent that day...
Most importantly, today there are happy tears because of how truly blessed we are. We have an amazing fighter for a son. I know that God hears us and prayers are answered because Logan is healthy and his brother is safe in my belly.
that Kasey and I will be able to hold on the day that he is born rather than 5 days later.
We still are facing some scary things with this pregnancy. We were told last week that it is likely that I will start bleeding between now and 32 weeks. If this happens I will be admitted to the hospital. If they are able to stop the bleeding I will get to go home and be on bed rest for the duration of the pregnancy. If I bleed again I will have to be on hospital bed rest. It I bleed a third time, the baby will have to be delivered. Hopefully, none of this will happen! I am hopeful that in 8 weeks 3 days I will be snuggling my new little man in my arms! But, one step at a time, tomorrow morning I will wake up more pregnant that I have ever been and I will keep smiling!
Yeah! Way to go Chips! Hang in there - it's only 8 more weeks and they will fly by. We'll all be patiently waiting so you can come right out and play!