Tuesday, March 24, 2009

The last one!

Today Logan had his LAST synagis shot of this RSV season! Kasey took the day off to come with us. I wanted to ensure I had backup in case we had another "blue leg" situation! Logan was very upset but managed to calm himself while eating. He now weighs 14 lbs. .5 oz. and maxed out the dosage for one shot. At least he didn't need two! The nurse informed us that he will not need to come in for his April shot. She said that RSV in our area is on the decline! Yay!!! She also told us that due to Logan's weight and gestational age at birth he does qualify for a second season of synagis shots, yuck. Oh well, at least he will be better protected next fall/winter. This also means that we will have to be very cautious again next winter about germs!

He is acting so "grown up"! Our happy little guy typically wakes us up with lots of "ah-goos" and squeals! Even in the middle of the night! He likes being held to stand and we are continuing to work on sitting! He also is getting very good at eating. He has tried prunes, peaches, pears, bananas, peas, squash, carrots, and sweet potatoes! There isn't one of them that he doesn't like. He usually gets cereal and a fruit or vegi for breakfast and dinner but today he was extra hungry so he had lunch too! Hopefully all of this eating will help him beef up by his nine month appointment in June.

Friday, March 20, 2009

Hey, check out our little sitting man! He is getting better at it by the day! He does really well when his boppy is behind him but he still flops over after a couple of minutes! I am really impressed that he may reach this milestone close to his actual age!

It turns out Logan still needs his reflux medicine. After a day and a half without it he was screaming in pain...poor kid! We'll probably try again in a couple of months. Next Tuesday he will get his second to last synagis shot. Since he has gotten to be such a big boy he will have to get two injections. We have been so fortunate that Logan has stayed healthy all winter (knock on wood!) let's hope that he will be able to keep it up through the end of April! I guess Logan will have to wait until next Easter to meet the Bunny!

Logan celebrated his Irish heritage by wearing his first "kiss me I'm Irish" shirt. Although we couldn't celebrate at the parades this year, we will for sure be hitting them up in the years to come. It won't be long before he finds out that the Southside parade was where his daddy first told his mommy he loved her.

Wednesday, March 11, 2009

6 months!

Welcome to our new blog! We thought that since Logan is now out of the NICU and well we would start a family blog. I hope you enjoy it!

Yesterday was Logan's 1/2 birthday! I can't believe that it was six months ago that we innocently walked into the hospital thinking I just needed to be checked out! We have come so far and are enjoying every minute with our big boy! He is doing all sorts of cool things; reaching for toys and putting them in his mouth, cooing, LAUGHING, and just beginning to "sit" unassisted!

Today we went to see Dr. Chris for our six month well visit. The most exciting news is that Logan is on the growth charts for his actual age for weight and head circumference!! He is a whoppin' 13 lbs. 9.5 oz.! He is not quite on the growth chart for height and is 23 3/4 inches long. He got 3 shots today and is sleeping them off as I type! We are going to attempt taking him off of his reflux medicine. She did prescribe a new medicine to help aid in digestion because he is having trouble pooping-poor kiddo! He will still have to get his synagis shots at the end of this month and in April. I guess we will have to keep being cautious about RSV for a couple months longer! We are going to have him reevaluated by the early intervention team to make sure he has no developmental delays. Dr. Chris didn't see anything that made her think that he is delayed for his adjusted age but she tought that they might be able to offer us tips for what to work with him on.

We have a many exciting events to look forward to this Spring! At the beginning of April Logan will make his maiden voyage to Kansas to meet all of his adoring fans! He will be baptized on April 11th. Logan will be the ring bearer for his Auntie Lauren's wedding in May. There are also three new baby friends being born before this summer is over!