At our 27 week appointment I was measuring two weeks bigger than I should have been. My OB asked Kasey how big he was and he answered close to 10 lbs. The doctor just looked at me and said, "Well, babies tend to be close to the father's birthweight." I cringed. She also informed us that perfectly healthy babies are born three weeks early. As Kasey and I left I remember telling him that if our baby came early he or she would be here in ten weeks! We had a lot to do. Just two days later I was in the hospital for preterm labor and nothing was going to stop our baby boy from making his entrance into the world four days later at only 28 weeks 3 days gestation.
You probably all remember reading this, our first caringbridge post. The next 70 days of our lives would be a roller coaster of emotions. We would learn NICU terms that no new mom and dad should have to worry about; PDA, ROP, bradycardia, desat, residual. We wouldn't be able to hold our child until he was four days old. The sounds of a beeping monitor would make our hearts race and eyes leap to check if Logan was stable. There would be infection scares and days of NPO, no food for LJ. It terrified us to think that we may never leave the hospital with our child.
Even though our introduction to parenthood was the scariest situation imaginable, having a premature baby has taught us several things. We have the most amazing friends, family, and strangers that love and support us. Kasey and my relationship is stronger than we knew. God answers prayers. Our son is a brave, tough, and determined kiddo. Life is precious...don't sweat the small stuff.
Today Logan is an active toddler. Still brave, tough, determined and sometimes pretty stubborn! He is becoming a pretty good walker and has the bumps and bruises to prove it! He weighs 24 lbs. 5 oz. and is in remarkable health given his early arrival.
Hopefully our story has touched you in some way. In honor of Prematurity Awareness Day say a prayer for strength for all of the babies and their families fighting in the NICU. Hug your babies just a little tighter tonight. And, maybe next time your cashier asks you to donate to the March of Dimes you won't hesitate to say "yes!"