Monday, April 16, 2012

28 weeks 3 days...Hooray!

WE MADE IT!!! Today I am 28 weeks and 3 days pregnant, the same gestational age that I had Logan. This is how I spent this day 4 years ago...
and this is how one scared daddy spent that day...
Today, I smiled from ear to ear knowing that this baby would not have to endure all of the pokes, tests, and challenges that his big brother had to. I chatted with some of my favorite ladies at work about a nursery that potentially could have a "take home baby" in it! I gladly took my P17 injection, knowing that it is likely the reason that I have made it to this point without being in the hospital. My heart is joyful because I know even if this kiddo does come early it is likely that he will not be in the NICU for 70 days. Every day in mommy's belly is 3 days less in the hospital.
Most importantly, today there are happy tears because of how truly blessed we are. We have an amazing fighter for a son. I know that God hears us and prayers are answered because Logan is healthy and his brother is safe in my belly.

It is amazing to me that a Logan-sized baby is inside me right now! I am so excited for the possibility of having an almost full term baby! One that can have visitors snuggle him, can share a room with us before he is 2 months old, that I can feed right away, and...
that Kasey and I will be able to hold on the day that he is born rather than 5 days later.

We still are facing some scary things with this pregnancy. We were told last week that it is likely that I will start bleeding between now and 32 weeks. If this happens I will be admitted to the hospital. If they are able to stop the bleeding I will get to go home and be on bed rest for the duration of the pregnancy. If I bleed again I will have to be on hospital bed rest. It I bleed a third time, the baby will have to be delivered. Hopefully, none of this will happen! I am hopeful that in 8 weeks 3 days I will be snuggling my new little man in my arms! But, one step at a time, tomorrow morning I will wake up more pregnant that I have ever been and I will keep smiling!

1 comment:

  1. Yeah! Way to go Chips! Hang in there - it's only 8 more weeks and they will fly by. We'll all be patiently waiting so you can come right out and play!
